
Jiayu Liang

Research Assistant
Division of Humanities,
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong


About Me

I’m a research assistant in the Speech, Learning, and the Brain (SLaB) Lab at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, working under the mentorship of Prof. Zhen QIN. Before joining the lab, I was supervised by Prof. Hao ZHANG for my undergraduate studies. I’m interested in experimental phonetics, second/foreign language acquisition, and psycholinguistics. Currently, I am mainly involved in an eye-tracking study examining L2 learners’ perceptual learning and consolidation of English lexical stress.


BA in English at Shandong University (Average Grade: 88.71/100) [2020-2024]

Relevant Courses
English Phonetics (96), Phonetics and Brain Science (Excellent), Experimental Phonetics (92), Experimental Methods and the Application of Instruments in Phonetics (95), Cognitive Neuroscience Experiment (90), Corpus Linguistics (93), Python and Natural Language Processing (94)

Research Interests

Publications & Presentations

Liang, J., Ma, W., Zhang, Y., Zhang, H. Effects of Mandarin Speakers’ Musical Aptitude on the Perception of English Vowels: An Eye-tracking Study. (Manuscript in preparation)

Liang, J., Zhang, H. Mandarin-speaking Musicians Show Enhanced Perception-Production Link of L2 English Vowels. (Manuscript in preparation)

Zhang, H., Liang, J. (co-first author). Benefits of Melodic Training on the Production and Perception of Cantonese Level Tones by Korean and Chinese Older Adults. (in preparation)

Liang, J., Zhang, H. (2024). Effects of Mandarin Speakers’ Musical Aptitude on the Perception of English Vowels: An Eye-tracking Study. In The 15th International Conference in Evolutionary Linguistics (CIEL2024), Changsha, Hunan. (poster)

Liang, J., Zhang, H. (2023). Perception-Production Links in Mandarin Speakers’ English Vowels: A Behavioral and Eye-tracking Study. In The 2nd National Symposium on Clinical Linguistics (NSCL2023), Jinan, Shandong. (oral presentation)

Liang, J., Jia, B., Liu, J., Li, X., Zhang, H. (2023). Music Experience Enhances Categorical Perception of English Vowels in Mandarin Speakers. In The 14th International Conference in Evolutionary Linguistics (CIEL2023), Hong Kong. (poster)

Liang, J., Jia, B., Liu, J., Li, X., Zhang, H. (2023). Music Experience Enhances Categorical Perception of English Vowels in Mandarin Speakers. In The 15th Phonetic Conference of China (PCC2023), Shenzhen, Guangdong. (oral presentation)

Research Experience


